The Gan Tammy Team 2022-23

Tammy is one of the best known gannenot in Jerusalem. Originally from London, Tammy has a qualification in early childhood education, and taught in several nursery schools in London before making Aliyah over 25 years ago. She has been running her gannim for English speaking children in Jerusalem for over 20 years.
After taking a year out to be with after the birth of her twin baby boys, she opened the new 'Gan Tammy' in September 2017 and teaches the older class, known to everyone as "The Blue Room".

Amanda Seitz is the gannenet in The Green Room.
Currently residing in Elazar, she grew up in North London, where she studied early childhood education, and qualified in 1994. After working in Jewish pre-schools in England, she made aliya in 1999 and worked in the "old" Gan Tammy from 2000-2001 before setting up a mishpachton, which she ran for nearly 16 years. She Joined us last year as the asstistant in the Green room before stepping into the vacant gannenet role this year. She brings an amazing wealth of experience of working with our younger age group.

Simona Weil made aliyah from the US a couple of years ago initially doing a sheruit leumi program working in education. As well as working as second assistant in the Green Room, Simona is studying phycology with a focus on special education.

Esther Carver is the 1st Assistant in the Blue Room. She has a Bachelors Degree in Child and Family Studies/Early Childhood Education, as well as significant experience caring for young children. After running a successful daycare (mishpachton) in Oregon for 23 years, she earned her degree and worked at Portland Jewish Academy and Head Start Preschool. She and her husband made Aliyah in 2019 and lived in Haifa where she worked as an assistant for a Hebrew speaking gan before moving to Jerusalem this past summer.
Mimi Isaacs is second assistant in the Blue Room. Born and raised in Dallas Texas, where she trained and worked for the Jewish Day school's preschool for 5 years before making Aliyah. Mimi lives in Jerusalem with her husband and little boy