Gan Tammy offers two classes for children aged 1.5 -2 and for children aged 2-3, at the start of the academic year.

Both classes open their doors at 7.30am and offer an all day program until 3.50pm (11.45pm Fridays) under the leadership of fully qualified and experienced early childhood educators.
In general, our calendar follows the Misrad HaChinnuch (education ministry). At those times of the year, when schools and gannim are closed, Gan Tammy offers all its students a kaytana program. We also will be open on Isru Chag.
Gan Tammy Green Room
Class head: Amanda Seitz
For Children aged: 1.5 - 2 years
Gan Tammy's Green Room offers a caring, secure and fun environment for the children to develop their social skills. All the children are encouraged to learn through play and experiential activities.
Fresh Air and Sunshine
Children play outside every day (except where bad weather prevents) in our shaded safe playground area, with their own age appropriate toys and equipment.

Special Chugim (activities)
A specialist music teacher leads the children in twice monthly music sessions, with hands-on opportunities to play an amazing variety of instruments and experience dance, music styles and rhythms.
Nature Chug is an incredible hands-on experience with a variety of animals, which are brought to Gan Tammy by an expert educator, in partnership with the Jerusalem Nature Museum. The children learn all about the animals and are encouraged to touch, stroke and hold the furry (or feathered...sometimes scaled) visitors.

Gan Tammy Blue Room
Class head: Tammy Wilson-Mallerman
For Children aged: 2 - 3 years
Led by Tammy herself, this Blue Room has 21 children enjoying a rich fulfilling hands-on curriculum. They learn weekly topics such as colors, shapes, animals, plants, seasons, and stars. Judaism is woven into their daily routines with davening and brachot as well as learning about Chagim and Parsha. The children will have a weekly Erev Shabbat party.
The class uses a range of different learning opportunities, from arts and craft to imaginative play, from their book corner to tefila, to encourage growth and exploration.
The children learn from their play opportunities, the interaction with their peers and the support from their teachers and carers.
Fresh Air and Sunshine
Just as with the younger class, the Blue Room students have daily outside play (weather permitting) in our shaded and safe playground area.

Special Chugim (activities)
Just as with the younger class above, the Blues also have a weekly chug, alternating between music and nature.
Meals and Snacks
Morning Snack
Tammy's philosophy is one of encouraging healthy eating as a good start in life. The children are discouraged from bringing snacks such as Bamba, chocolate spread, etc to gan, but are welcome to bring fruit, cut up vegetables, and other healthy options such as yogurts for their mid-morning snack, along with a chalavi sandwich.
A high-quality catered hot meat lunch is provided to all the children every day (except Friday).

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